The Creators - Story of the Creation.

Seventeen years ago in the little known town of Rotherham England a man was walking down the street late at night after having too much to drink (Well in fact he was crawling) when he stumbled upon a vending machine selling popular brand name chocolate bars. After emptying his entire stomach contents over somebody's fence and hour earlier he was obviously very hungry. He decided to purchase one of these nicely chilled snack items and eat it before going home to his crack whore of a wife no doubt in bed with some young stud. Anyway while walking through the front door of his house eating chocolate bar which happened to be a Mars he tripped and the bar was propelled through air and fell down the back of a radiator. The man was knocked unconscious, not by the fall but by some sort of blunt instrument held by his wife who was furious about the time he was coming in. He completely forgot about the delicious mixture of caramel, chocolate and a soft nougat centre slowly melting behind the radiator.

Months passed and the mixture which had now accumulated a vast sheath of mould suddenly began to bubble. Without anyone noticing the putrid slime formed into a small circular blob. Over the course of the year this new lifeform evolved into a primitive primate and living concealed in a pile of washing survived on a diet of foot mould and spiders found in old socks behind the wardrobe. The thing then decided to leave the house to seek its fortune and while looking almost human it animal manners were immediately obvious. Then  sitting in the middle of the road at night picking fluff from those hard to reach crevices he met a sewer rat who took him back to its burrow beneath the town. Here he was raised by the members of the sewer community and after seven years decided to join the real world in school. In school he did well but never took to physical sports much preferring to curl up in a warm place and lick his own backside.

While at school this accident of evolution took up the name Steven and developed an unhealthy obsession with the female of the human species. It was here that he me Ian.

Ian, was a normal boy on the outside or so everyone thought. He wasn't very tall, thin with blond hair. He was in fact a 200 year old alien who had crash landed on our small planet after being distracted by the seductive eight legged poses of numerous she aliens in that months edition of "For That Demented Alien Hell Bent on Taking over the world magazine". This lead to him being stranded in the lower regions of the Bodwin moor where he learned the English language by intercepting TV signals. It was here where he first saw the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was fascinated by this and soon developed a unhealthy obsession with the star Sarah Michelle Gellar. He decided to live as a human. To conceal his outward appearance he tried on various synthetic costumes until he found a fit. His next task was to find a home and decided on Rotherham due to the remarkably cheap petrol prices and the fact that an alien dressed as a human would not be noticed in this town that makes Erie Indiana look normal.

He soon made friends and for some reason began talking to Steven. These two soon became friends and decided that the world was crying out for them with their unique views on life to express their personalities in the form on a website devoted to the exciting show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And so after literally minutes of thought and design this came into being.

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This site was last updated on 30/05/99 15:15 and is best viewed in Full Screen 800 x 600 resolution. This page copyright © Ian Mckay and Steven Whitaker 1999 - Pictures are copyright © 1998 The WB Television Network and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site.