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sounds/amy-spell words.wav Amy the chearleader witch from series 1. 43kb
sounds/buff anf leftalone.wav buffy talking to angel when she wants to be left alone. 185kb
sounds/buff ang diary.wav buffy talking to angelshe is embarraseb because she thinks he has read it. 298kb
sounds/buff ang friend.wav buffy and angel when they first meet and angel wants to be friends. 145kb
sounds/buff died.wav extractfrom series when buffy dies and is feeliing sad. 86kb
sounds/buff giles moved.wav buffy and giles talking about the reason buffy is in sunnydale. 55kb
sounds/buff giles myth.wav buffy and giles, giles thinks its a myth that students take books from the library. 75kb
sounds/buff giles right.wav giles admitting that buffy is wright. 27kb
sounds/buff hunting.wav giles and buffy in a conversation about buffy going hunting . 101kb
sounds/buff malcom.wav buffy and willow talking about malcom the demon in series 1. 54kb
sounds/buff spidersense.wav buffy and giles, buffy talks about her spicersense giles doesnt now what it is. 91kb
sounds/buff vamp slayer.wav buffy saying she is a vampire slayer. 43kb
sounds/buff watch.wav buffy, xander and willow mocking the play that giles is directing. 79kb
sounds/buff xan engravings.wav buffy, xander and willow.while looking for info xanders looks at the semi-nude engravings. 174kb
sounds/buff xan literary.wav buffy and xander explaining why there allways in the library. 83kb
sounds/buff xan owen.wav buffy and xander talking about owen. 52kb
sounds/buffy aspestos.wav buffy explaining why she burnt down the gym. 122kb
sounds/buffy beep.wav buffy tells giles if the apocalypse comes beep her. 20kb
sounds/buffy big slut.wav buffy saying shes a slut (no shes not) 62kb
sounds/buffy broke nail.wav buffy talking about shes broke a nail battling the undead. 81kb
sounds/buffy cuteguy.wav buffy talking about her post pubescant fantasies 53kb
sounds/buffy dead but prity.wav buffy saying she may be dead but is still prity (she sure is). 34kb
sounds/buffy friend.wav buffy saying that xander is her xander shaped friend. 23kb
sounds/buffy girls.wav buffy saying xander is one of the girls. 64kb
sounds/buffy goto hell.wav buffy killing vampires and saying goto hell. 43kb
sounds/buffy hardway.wav Buffy saying theres the hard way and the hard way. 136kb
sounds/buffy holes neck.wav buffy talking about a person thats had ther blood drained. 116kb
sounds/buffy horny dummy.wav buffy saying that she will turn the dummy into a duraflame log 99kb
sounds/buffy huh.wav buffy saying huh!. 25kb
sounds/buffy juice.wav buffy talking with her mother about juice. 102kb
sounds/buffy kickout.wav buffy deciding how she can get kicked out of school. 186kb
sounds/buffy looney.wav buffy talking about looneys. 54kb
sounds/buffy meet fate.wav buffy decides to meet her fate (biology) 77kb
sounds/buffy mental.wav buffy saying shes mentally challenged (no shes not) 21kb
sounds/buffy mum sex.wav buffys accepted that her mom had sex but not her moms hair. 76kb
sounds/buffy never slay.wav buffy says shes not going to be extracurricular about killing vamps. 105kb
sounds/buffy not vamps.wav buffy trying to convince someone they didnt just see a vampire. 165kb
sounds/buffy party.wav buffy "weve saved the world lets party". 23kb
sounds/buffy slayerbutton.wav buffy says she wont wear a button saying ime a slayer ask me how. 44kb
sounds/buffy startover.wav buffy wants to be normal but vamps had to come to sunnydale. 103kb
sounds/buffy tomorrow.wav buffy says she will see giles tomorrow. 80kb
sounds/buffy wisechoice.wav buffy and someone talking about a wise choice. 47kb
sounds/buffy xan hair.wav buffy worying about her hair but xander reasures her. 70kb
sounds/buffy yearbook.wav buffy saying nerds pick on the kids that do the yearbook. 30kb
sounds/buffy you kill.wav buffy trying to convince giles to kill the master. 91kb
sounds/buffy-giles destiny.wav buffy making mockery of giles running talent show. 81kb
sounds/cor alternate.wav cordelia saying shes sorry about buffy getting put to alternate chearleader (bitch). 72kb
sounds/cor annoying.wav cordelia says " thats not cute thats annoying. 74kb
sounds/cor bronze.wav cordelia inviting buffy to the bronze. 157kb
sounds/cor buff gang.wav cordelia thinks buffys in a gang. 140kb
sounds/cor cooltest.wav cordelia gives buffy a cooltest. 262kb
sounds/cor elsewhere.wav cordelia saying that they have an elsewhere to be. 15kb
sounds/cor exist.wav cordelia "who gave you permission to exist?". 41kb
sounds/cor outfit.wav cordelia commenting on willows outfit. 59kb
sounds/cor sears.wav cordelia commenting on willows dress from sears. 30kb
sounds/cor trauma.wav cordelia "what is your childhood trauma". 199kb
sounds/gil technopeagan.wav jenny describing to giles that shes a technopeagan. 178kb
sounds/gil wil city plan.wav willow has broken into the city councils town plans. 164kb
sounds/giles 20th cent.wav jenny saying soon giles will join us all in the 20th century 68kb
sounds/giles birthright.wav giles saying that buffy has a sacred birth right. 57kb
sounds/giles british.wav Giles saying that hes a bit british (theres nothing wrong with being british.) 58kb
sounds/giles buff 90%.wav giles saying that 90% of vampire slaying is waiting. 105kb
sounds/giles buff back box.wav giles saying that getting involved with someone that doesnt know her talents is bad. 145kb
sounds/giles buff bla bla.wav buffy making mockery of to each generation speech. 112kb
sounds/giles buff total dest.wav buffy and giles saying that they stand between earth and its destruction 100kb
sounds/giles chosen one.wav giles making chosen one speech. 116kb
sounds/giles cork screw.wav Jenny and giles talking about dangling corkscrews somewhere.(dont ask me) 48kb
sounds/giles forbids.wav giles forbids buffy from leaving but hows he going to stop her?. 59kb
sounds/giles hid.wav Giles is more than a match for vamps he hid. 53kb
sounds/giles middleages.wav Giles says he will be back in the middle ages jenny asks if he ever left. 31kb
sounds/giles proud.wav buffy saying giles would be proud. 368kb
sounds/giles smell.wav Giles describing why the smell of books is better than the information from computers.  4kb
sounds/series 1 intromidi.mid this is a midi of the intro to series 1 and 2 (i know its a midi but its quite good). 548kb
sounds/series1 intro.wav This is the proper intro for series 1 and 2 199kb
sounds/wil nice summer.wav willow talking about the girl that dissapeared with her yearbook signed hav a nice summer. 141kb
sounds/wil spiders.wav willow describes why she doesnt like spiders. 78kb
sounds/wil xan stole barbie.wav willow says how her and xander used to go out untill he stole her barbie. 225kb
sounds/wil xan vamp buff.wav xander and willow xander still liked buffy even when she was a vampire (who didnt). 370kb
sounds/will buff xan relationship.wav buffy, willow and xander describe how theyve all had wierd relationships. 107kb
sounds/xan ang neck.wav xanders is convinced angel is looking at his neck. 35kb
sounds/xan badvamp.wav xander says he doesnt like vamps. 26kb
sounds/xan behind you.wav xander says hes right behind but further back. 42kb
sounds/xan borg.wav xander is freaked out and intends to stay that way 342kb
sounds/xan buff dutch woman.wav xander saying that malcom could be anyone. 81kb
sounds/xan buff laying.wav xander drops one and asks buffy how the slaying/laying went last night 65kb
sounds/xan buff the usual.wav buffy describing the usual vampire slaying tools. 152kb
sounds/xan clothes.wav xander has lost all his clothes. 41kb
sounds/xan cor can dream.wav cordelia full of herself says it could of been her xander says we can dream. 40kb
sounds/xan danger.wav xander says he laughs in the face of danger then hides untill it goes away. 54kb
sounds/xan gil let her go.wav xandey asks why giles let buffy go to fight the master. 76kb
sounds/xan invisable.wav xander wants to be invisable to protect the girls locker room. 72kb
sounds/xan music of pain.wav xander is going to listen to country musik the music of pain 108kb
sounds/xan polaroids.wav xander says he takes polaroids outside buffys window. 74kb
sounds/xan research boy.wav xander is research boy. 52kb
sounds/xan slay, party.wav xander "we find you slay we party" 107kb
sounds/xan springfling.wav xander invites buffy to spring fling with him on a date. 102kb
sounds/xan stretchy.wav xandersees scantily clad girls and pretends its a spiritual experience. 62kb
sounds/xan super librarian.wav giles is the super librarian says xander 177kb
sounds/xan talking bout buff.wav xander talking about buffy and his friendship. 91kb
sounds/xan wil slayeretes.wav buffy,xander and willow "your the slayer and where the slayerettes." 80kb
sounds/xan wil talentcontest.wav xander, willow and buffy in the talent contest "what am i going to do slay vamps on stage?". 80kb

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This site was last updated on 28/05/99 17:55 and is best viewed in Full Screen 800 x 600 resolution. This page copyright © Ian Mckay and Steven Whitaker 1999 - Pictures are copyright © 1998 The WB Television Network and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site.